74 (The Reconstitution of a Struggle) is a docu-drama co-written and co-directed by Raed and Rania Rafei in 2012. This award-winning film reflects on the concept of revolutionary change by revisiting a 1970s student uprising in Lebanon.

In 1974, the students of the American University of Beirut occupied university offices for 37 days. What started as a protest against an increase in tuition turned into a vehement struggle against American imperialism in the Middle East and a call for the democratization of education and social justice. Recalling this event, the film tackles the core issues of revolution and democracy with an eye on political upheavals sweeping through the Arab region since 2011. The film uses re-enactments and theatrical improvisations giving voice to young activists to embody the tumultuous experience of the 1970s leftist movement.

“It is a beautiful film, the characters bathed in light, the camerawork expressive, the performances passionate.” Laura U. Marks, Hanan al-Cinema: Affectations for the Moving Image.

74 (The Reconstitution of a Struggle)

Written & directed by: Raed & Rania Rafei

Produced by: Sabine Sidawi & Jinane Dagher (Orjouane Productions)

Research: Raed Rafei

Director of photography: Nadim Saoma

Camera: Nidal El-Cheikh Hussein & Nadim Saoma

Assistant director: Rana Salem

Sound: Fadi Tabbal & Stephane Rives

Art director: Nanou Ghanem

Costume design: Beatrice Harb

Editing: Rania Rafei

Colorist: Khalil Abourrousse

Still Photos: Rachel Tabet

Cast: Nassim Arabi (Yussef); Nizar Sleiman (Fawaz);

Rita Hodroj (Rima); Assad Thebian (Ghassan)

Sandra Njeim (Alia); Yusri El-Chami (Iyad)

& Maarouf Mawloud (Hanzala)

Voice-Over: Fadi Abi Samra

Funding by: The Arab Fund for Arts & Culture, The Screen Institute & Fonds Image de la Francophonie

95 mins | Lebanon | Arabic/ Eng. ST | 2012